Destination Dewsbury
Destination Dewsbury
My first lead role in an exciting British feature film. Shot over the summer and autumn 2016 with a talented cast and crew watch this space for information on trailers news and release dates.
Watch this space for more information about Equity's campaign to celebrate 2017 as the year of Variety.
New for 2016
A new voice reel has been produced thanks to the very Talented Ashley Bard, clips from the new reel are now on Spotlight:
Go Compare 2015
A great comercial project to be involved in and a lot of fun with motorbikes and Gio Compare...
Spotlight 10k Challenge
On sunday 13th September I will be running 10k In Regents park to raise money for the Charity "Acting for Others" please follow the links below to sponsor me or find out more.
Equity Variety Circus and Entertainment Committee (VCEC)
I am very proud to announce that I have been elected onto the VCEC thankyou to all the Equity members who voted for me. I will be looking to increase the effectivness of the Live Entertainment Works campaign, so please get in touch and nominate venues that should be a part of the campaign and we can get them involved.
And The Devil May Drag You Under
A fantastic cabaret in the Brighton Festival already achieving 4 Star reviews, come along and see Team Mud 2nd and 3rd 9th and 10th of May;
We Still Steal The Old Way
Had lots of fun playing the role of an assasin and doing some fight work on this long awaited sequel I cant wait to see the film, but untill then watch this space;
NUA short film 'After the end of it'
I Just spent 3 great days in Norwich shooting the short film 'After the end of it' Written and directed by Hannah Hayland and staring the incredible Athena Droutis and Natasha O'Neal as my on screen daughter and wife.
Concept Pilot
Recent filming of a very exciting project, its highly secret and very exciting. Keep watching this space for more info.
Equity Variety Committee
I am standing for election onto the Variety Committee, and need the support of all equity members out there. keep your eyes peeled for updates.
Plans for 2015
I am an actor and im looking for a role. I live for storytelling and as a creative make my way in the world through a bricolage of employment. I'm looking for directors, producers and fellow creatives who have a role I could fill. I'll be my unique self bring my skills experience and professionality and work together to make any project a success.
ANA 2014
Dan has had a great year at ANA and very much enjoyed the opportunities he has had. The opportunity to be a part of the agency and work with the other actors has been invaluable and Dan looks forward to the coming year.
EQUITY: Council Elections 2014
Dan Stood for election in the recent Equity Elections but did not get enough votes to join the council this time. Thanks to all who voted Dan continues to remain active vwithin the industry his election statement follows:
I joined Equity in 2001 when I began performing in my home town on the streets of Brighton. My clown and circus skills took me on many adventures until I graduated from Central in 2008 with an MA in Screen Acting. I joined ANA in 2013 and currently I represent the Co-operative Personal Management Association as the Social Networking Secretary.
In the next two years our union needs to address Pay deals and usages for online on demand content and low-pay-no-pay projects across all areas. Media content is available online 24 hours a day, and the increasing variety of projects our members are becoming involved in means our industry should nurture us not exploit us.
Equity staff have helped me when I needed them and I want to be part of the support network for others whilst being an active part of this exciting ever changing industry.
CPMA: Social Networking Secretary
As part of his commitment to the acting industry Dan has become the Social Networking Secretary of the CPMA. The CPMA seeks to raise the profile of co-operative acting agencies with employers and actors and to represent the interests of co-ops with external bodies.The CPMA also works with its members to identify and assist with the particular concerns of co-ops, to encourage good business practice, to develop training skills and opportunities and to act as an advocate for co-operative working.
Dan is a member of the cast on this latest and greatest Secret Cinema Creation Secret Cinema 21. Sworn to Secrecy on the film the expierience is based on, but can reveal that its a great success and a wonderful cast to be a part of. Find out more by following the link below.
The event has just been extended due to populat demand and can be seen from the 20th March untill the 25th May 2014.
Fifty Kisses is a crowd created feature film with multiple stories connected by one thing – a Valentines kiss. Irreverent, charming, ridiculous, moving and at times wonderfully profound, 50 Kisses features everything from love struck zombies, androids and teddy bears to… fatigue fighting lesbians! 50 Kisses is the world's first crowd generated feature film; a multi-cultural and global reflection of pop culture’s vision of love in the 21st century.
The film N.E.I.L by Anil Rao made the cut and I appear as Dr Ausberg Grayson and Dr Cedrici Roche with Lisa Cawthorne as Rita and Matthew Leigh as N.E.I.L
The film has just made the Guinness Book of Records, and will be screened at Bafta on the 4th April as a special eventt to celebrate its success. the link below tells you more;
An exciting project as part of the JW3 Calendar, Dan leading a series of magical workshops where he will be performing magic and teaching some tricks to participants, in crafty magical workshops. during February 2014.
An exciting project at the new JW3 centre with project mentor Vicky Island, Dan worked with Emerging Director Finn Beames and actor Dimitra Barla and created a short piece of theatre with puppets and unique twist on the creation story 'Ka-La-Ba-Baum' for an audience aged 3-5 which was received very well by an audience of local school children. October 2013.
Dan is now being represented by ANA which is very exciting news. Dan looks forward to working with the agency and working with the fabulous actors who are a part of it.
Dan has become resident actor with Second Skin Theatre after his work in 'Quills', 'Blood Privilege' and Falling. Dan has enjoyed working with the company and looks forward to working with award winning Andy Mc Quade in the future.
Dan worked with The Future Cinema team on their recent secret cinematic liason, Mission Impossible, August 2013.
Dan appeared in 'Falling' the second of three plays as part of an incredible event "The Freedom Plays" at the courtyard Theatre from the 7th - 12th May 2013;
Based on ‘the temptation from the path’ in Red Riding Hood, ‘Falling’ tells the tale of an inexperienced soldier trapped behind enemy lines and unsure who to trust.
"Falling" starts out as a tense two-hander between an aggressive soldier (Dan Shelton), apparently stuck behind enemy line and a frightened villager (Toya Frantzen). However, it starts to get more surreal as the balance of the power between the two starts to shift. By the end the tables are fully turned, making the final plot twist shocking, but also terrifyingly plausible. It is directed by Andy McQuade.
..."This is the most thrilling and intense of the three plays. The Soldier, surrounded by enemies, living in constant fear, threatening harmless civilians in his paranoia could be one of our troops in Afghanistan or any other country where they are sent to fight terrorists. Dan Shelton and Toyah Frantzen are outstanding as the Soldier and H, who might be trying to help him – or not."
Dan appeared in 'Blood Priviledge' a new play about the life of Elizabeth Bathory. Dan plays three roles Count Ferenc Nadasdy, Physician Pataky, and Andras. Written by Don Fried and directed by Andy Mc Quade.
" In Blood Privilege, Fried looks behind the legend to where truth, myth and horror collide, and together with McQuade (Best Theatre Director, Fringe Report 2012) explore the corruption that comes with absolute power and the doom that pursues those who desire it.
Blood Privilege will also feature Game of Thrones actor Ross Mullen as King Matthias, as well as Second Skin Theatre’s Dan Shelton (Quills) and George Collie (The Christmas Dinner) " SECOND SKIN MAGAZINE
" As Nadasdy, bare-chested under a pelt jerkin, Dan Shelton is even more common, but fastidiously camp when he doubles as Elizabeth’s cosmetician-doctor. There is a layer of ironic humour that lies beneath much of McQuade’s production and Fried’s writing." http://www.britishtheatreguide.info/
" This play, masterfully directed by Andy McQuade and written by Don Fried, brings this story to the stage with a magnificent cast. Mia Zara makes for an amazing Countess Bathory, shifting from the innocent, free spirited and cheerful teenager who believes in love and plays with the idea of marriage into the ruthless, cunning and arrogant Countess. I wouldn’t fathom they could have cast a better actress, not only because of her great beauty and her underlying, subtle Croatian accent but also her acting skills. It takes more than a costume to bring the countess to life and, in my opinion, she made a better one than Anna Friel.
Dan Shelton was a good Nadasdy, but he also played the roles of Pataky and provided the voice to Andras. Three abysmally different characters in the same play, which bring to the spotlight how acting is truly a remarkable trade. " http://www.theatre-in-london.co.uk/
" Blood Privilege is a visceral play exploring the discrepancy between the myth of ‘The Bloody Countess’ and the historical facts that show a woman whose power was incredibly threatening to the patriarchal society of that time. " HACKNEY CITIZEN
Dan Shelton appeared in 'Quills' in the role of Monsieur Prouix. Written by Doug Wright and directed by Andy McQuade of Second Skin Theatre.
‘’ The play itself is perfect fodder for McQuade and his delightfully unwholesome cast… an extraordinary performance - it’s soaked in innuendo, the ensemble plays beautifully to the details of the devil and the atmosphere swells with joy at every lewd gesture. ’’ THE STAGE
‘’ Second Skin, in their atmospheric new venue, excel even their own uncompro mising, high-stakes, intensified-reality brand of theatre. Quills is a knockout… a feast… intrepidly exploring the limits of our outrage and of our compassion.’’ REMOTEGOAT - 5 STARS
‘’ Lust, love, religion and authority are tangled in an honest, shocking and often hilarious portrayal of a world on the edge of meltdown…. devilishly delicious… a thrilling sense of voyeurism…’’ STOKENEWINGTONPEOPLE.COM – 5 STARS
‘’ A dark and disturbing tale, but strong on humour… intimate…performance carries its own fearful frisson’’ BRITISH THEATRE GUIDE
‘’ Hilarious’’ EXEUNT MAGAZINE – 4 STARS
‘’ Second Skin are steadily consolidating their position as N16’s resident theatre company… a gripping and humorous production… an impressive cast, with atmospheric set and stylish costume design…’’ N16 MAGAZINE
The show runs until the 11th November 2012 at the White Rabbit in Stoke Newington, it would be wonderful if you could come along and see me in performance. Quills